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2016年7月参院選 与党圧勝(その2)



昨日に引き続き、今日のテーマは「2016年7月参院選 与党大勝」です。





・読売新聞 2016年7月11日社説

「参院選与党大勝 安定基盤で経済再生の貫徹を」

・The Japan News (上記社説の英訳版)

"Abe must use stable political base for economic revitalization / Abolition of security laws not supported"






  • 円安   - depreciation of the yen
  • 株高   - higher stock prices
  • 雇用改善   - improvement in the employment
  • 賃上げ   - wage hikes
  • 地方   - provincial areas
  • 現路線の継続   - staying with the current course of action
  • 18歳選挙権   - the adoption of a minimum voting age of 18
  • 低い投票率   - the low voter turnout
  • 固い組織票   - solid organizational votes
  • ~を謙虚に受け止める   - humbly take ~
  • 統一候補を擁立する   - field unified candidates
  • 全国的には   - on a nationwide scale
  • 共闘   - the unified front
  • 「左傾化」   - "tilt to the left"
  • 勢力を拡大する   - increase its forces
  • 比例   - the proportional representation section
  • 憲法改正   - constitutional amendment
  • 3分の2を超える   - exceed the two-thirds of ...
  • 改憲勢力   - pro-constitutional amendment forces
  • 憲法改正を発議する   - initiate constitutional revisions
  • 教育の無償化   - provide free education
  • 野党第一党   - the largest opposition party
  • 項目を絞り込む   - narrow down specific subjects
  • 衆参(両院)で   - in both chambers of the Diet



 ・~を「失敗」と決めつける   - dismiss ~ as a failure

・~を ...に浸透させる   - make its points clear among ...


 While dismissing Abenomics as a “failure” and advocating that it would achieve “distribution and growth together,” the DP apparently failed to make its points clear among voters.


・~が逆風となる   - ~ act as a headwind for ...


But its views — including its contention that the Self-Defense Forces are unconstitutional, a stance that is far apart from the opinion of the general public — ultimately acted as a headwind for the party, …


・存在感を示す   - make its presence felt

おおさか維新の会は、…  比例でも議席を伸ばして、一定の存在感を示した

Initiatives from Osaka (Osaka Ishin no Kai) made its presence felt to a certain extent by increasing its seats even under the proportional representation section, ...


・~とみるのは早計だ   - it would be premature to believe ~


But it would be premature to believe there is a real possibility of the Diet initiating constitutional revisions, ...


・足並みがそろう   - be in step with each other


... primarily because these parties are not necessarily in step with each other as to the specific items they believe should be subject to revision.



