
「時事英語を学びたい!でも英字新聞を毎日読む時間なんてない!」 そんなあなたのための、一日一記事 ・5分で身につく時事英語。日本語の新聞社説とその英語版を読み比べ、時事英単語&使える日英表現をまとめています。


日本語 (読売新聞2016年7月6日社説)

「防災と復興 被害の軽減に何が効果的か」

英訳版 The Japan News(上記社説の英訳)

Political parties should discuss best measures to reduce disaster damage










  • 防災対策   - measures to reduce disaster damage
  • 直下型地震   - a massive earthquake with its center just below the area
  • 南海トラフ巨大地震   - a gigantic Nankai Trough earthquake
  • 首都直下地震  - a major quake its its hypocenter under the Tokyo metropolitan area
  • 公約   - election pledge
  • 国土強靱きょうじん化   - the creation of a tougher homeland
  • 堤防   - bank
  • 港湾   - port
  • 耐震化   - make ~ more quake-resistant
  • 地震列島   - earthquake-prone archipelago
  • 厳しい制約がある   - there are severe constrants in ...
  • 優先度を見極める   - determine what should be given priority
  • 全体の計画を示す   - present a comprehensive picture
  • (地域の)消防団   - logal groups of volunteer firefighers
  • 支援物資   - relief goods
  • 滞留する   - fail to be delivered promptly
  • 耐震基準   - quake-resistance standards for buildings
  • すべて国費で賄う   - finance ...  entirely by the central government
  • 被災自治体   - the local governments affected by the disaster
  • 一部を負担する   - bear (/shoulder) part of expenses
  • 自律的に復興を遂げる   - achieve self-directed reconstruction
  • 円滑に対応する   - make smooth response
  • 選挙戦で   - during this election period



・後を絶たない。   - There has been no end to ...


"There has been no end to earthquakes and other natural disasters. "


・~という教訓を残す   - leave a lesson that ...


"April’s Kumamoto Earthquake left a lesson that any part of the nation can be hit by a massive earthquake with its center just below the area. "


・~について、賛否が割れている。  - opinions have been divided over whether...

「… 沿岸部では、視界を遮る巨大防潮堤の必要性について、賛否が割れている。」

"In the coastal areas (…), opinions have been divided over whether it is necessary to build huge seawalls that would cut off the view."


・~など、なお課題は多い。   - There are still many issues to tackle, such as ...


"There are still many issues to tackle, such as reviving local industries. "