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日銀短観 円高の進行に効果的な備えを

日本語 読売新聞2016年7月2日社説

「日銀短観 円高の進行に効果的な備えを」

英訳版 - The Japan News

「Effective measures needed to cope with the rise of the yen」










  • 日本銀行   - the Bank of Japan
  • 警戒を強める   - to raise one's alert level
  • 短観(企業短期経済観測調査)- the short-term Tankan survey of corporate sentiment
  • 大企業 製造業      - large manufacturers
  • 大企業 非製造業  - large nonmanufacturers
  • 横ばいだった      - unchanged from the previous survey
  • 新興国経済の不振   - the economic slump in emerging economies
  • 悪材料   - problems
  • 景気の底堅さを示す  - to show the underlying potential of the Japanese economy 
  • 世界経済の先行き不安の増大   - the growing anxiety over the world economy
  • 輸出関連企業   - export-related businesses
  • 自動車          - automobiles
  • 造船・重機   - shipbuilding and heavy machinery
  • 小売業          - retailing industry
  • 宿泊・飲食サービス   - accomodation, eating and drinking services
  • 個人消費の足踏み    - sluggish growth in consumer spending
  • 爆買い   - "bakugai" shopping sprees by Chinese tourists
  • 円高傾向が定着すれば   - if the yen's greater value becomes fixed,
  • 路線価   - land value figures
  • 10兆円規模の経済対策   - ¥10 trillion-scale economic stimulus package
  • プレミアム付き商品券   - shopping coupons redeemed for higher value
  • 需要の先食い   - to eat up demand ahead of time
  • 消費を増やす好循環   - a virtuous cycle of increasing consumption
  • 低利融資  - low-interest loans
  • 保育・介護施設   - childcare and nursing facilities
  • 民需活性化   - to activate private demand



・~に深刻な影響を及ぼす  - deal a serious blow to


”Concerns are rising over whether the confusion flowing out of Europe and the growing appreciation of the yen might deal a serious blow to the Japanese economy.”


・~期連続で     - for ~ straight quarters

・前期比~ポイント減  - drop ~ points from the last quarter


”…the index for large nonmanufacturers saw a decline for two straight quarters, dropping three points from the last quarter to plus 19.”


・~との見方もある。- Some experts expressed views that 〜


Some experts expressed views that actual business sentiment has deteriorated even further by now.” 


・~に知恵を絞る - put its focus on

・~を~に振り向ける - allocate ~ to ~


"we urge the government to put its focus on coming up with measures that will induce companies to allocate their profits to investments and workers’ pay, which will lead to the creation of a virtuous cycle of increasing consumption."