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2016年7月参院選 与党大勝(その1)





というわけで、今日のテーマは「2016年7月参院選 与党大勝」です。





・読売新聞 2016年7月11日社説

「参院選与党大勝 安定基盤で経済再生の貫徹を」


・The Japan News (上記社説の英訳版)

"Abe must use stable political base for economic revitalization / Abolition of security laws not supported"


















  • 経済対策アベノミクス   - the Abenomics economic policy
  • 道半ばにある  - as it is halfway complete
  • デフレ脱却   - end deflation
  • 参議院選挙   - the House of Councillors election
  • 衆議院選挙   - the House of Representatives election
  • 政治基盤を安定させる   - stablize one's political base
  • 足踏みを続ける日本経済   - the still sluggish Japanese economy
  • 財政健全化   - restoring fiscal health
  • 持続可能な社会保障制度   - sustainable social security systems
  • 不安定化するアジア情勢   - an increasingly destablized Asian situation
  • 選挙区   - constituency
  • 一人区   - the one-seat constituencies
  • カギを握る   - hold the key to ---ing
  • 定員増   - an increase in the number of allocated seats
  • 新たに議席を得る   - gain new seats
  • 消費税率10%への引き上げ   - raise the consumptions tax rate to 10 percent
  • 最大の争点   - the greatest point of contention in the race



・~を確実に実現する   - achieve the goal of (~ing) once and for all


The main task is shoring up the Abenomics economic policy, as it is halfway complete, so as to achieve the goal of ending deflation once and for all.


・大勝する   - score an overwhelming victory


In the House of Councillors election, the 24th of its kind, the ruling coalition of the Liberal Democratic Party and Komeito scored an overwhelming victory by gaining more than half of the seats contested.


・~で4連勝となる   - mark its forth consecutive victory in ...


The LDP’s win marked its fourth consecutive victory in national elections held since the party returned to power, starting with the House of Representatives election in 2012.


・~の声を受け止める   - take to heart the voice of ...


“I’ll take to heart the voice of people who have urged me to forcefully advance [his economic reform package], and I want to devise comprehensive and bold economic policies.”



